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Unblock Facebook with a VPN

Unblock Facebook with a VPN

By Daniel C. Daniel C. Verified by Sander D. Sander D.Last updated: February 5, 2025 (0)
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With well over a billion users, Facebook represents the biggest pool of people who can potentially contact each other directly on the planet today. Since a considerable fraction of Earth’s population are active users and also because of the interface of the website, Facebook has effects on people’s mental states, how people interact when not online, and as you will read below Facebook also resonates in politics. Because of the latter, the website is blocked or was restricted in some countries. Overcoming these blocks is not hard at all; using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the safest and most effective way. These very same VPN services can be used to get through the bans public Wi-Fi hotspots, company networks and other networks may have in place to prevent you from using Facebook.


Countries blocking Facebook

In the following countries, all Facebook activity is banned, as the website is simply not accessible at all: China, North Korea, Bangladesh, Tajikistan and Syria. In each of these cases, there is some form of political motivation present behind the blocks. Facebook provides an easy opportunity for groups of people to voice their opinions and to organize activities together. The leaders of the above countries do not prefer people conducting potentially anti-government activities with the help of Facebook, so they decided to block it. We also argue that next to politics, the preservation of the countries’ cultural identities might also be a reason behind blocking Facebook in these parts of the planet. People from different cultures have a space to interact through this website, and China and North Korea’s leaders especially oppose the idea of outside influence.

Other states, like Germany, Morocco or the UK welcome Facebook within their borders. Some restrictions happened in these cases though, such as persecuting an individual who created a fake account of a Moroccan royal family member, or removing hate speech from Facebook in Germany. So while the website is allowed to function, the internet law environment of these countries slightly limit the ways people can express themselves.

Editor's choice
NordVPN logo
Editor's rating:
Intuitive multiplatform apps
Double VPN and P2P support
Plenty of security features
Large VPN network with consistent speeds
Surfshark logo
Editor's rating:
Intuitive multiplatform apps
Double VPN
WireGuard protocol
Outstanding device support
Multi-device users
IPVanish logo
Editor's rating:
Unlimited devices
No-log policy
24/7 support
Reliable security tools
ExpressVPN logo
Editor's rating:
Extensive device support
Exceptional speed
Intuitive apps
Convenient extras
CyberGhost VPN logo
Editor's rating:
Suitable for all VPN users
Great security features
Seven simultaneous connections
24/7 customer support
ZoogVPN logo
Editor's rating:
24/7 customer service
Competitive price
Good connection speed
Based in Greece
Private Internet Access logo
Editor's rating:
Unlimited devices
DNS leak protection
Suitable for all users
Completely customizable
TunnelBear logo
Editor's rating:
Very easy and fun to use
Kill switch and traffic obfuscato
Browser extensions and Chrome blocker
Good speeds

Unblocking Facebook anywhere

In these countries, or any that can potentially suffer drawback from their stricter and stricter internet laws (like Australia, France or Italy) we would like to recommend using a VPN service. This is a legal solution anywhere in the world. Countries do not sanction it; they only try to prevent people from using it indirectly, such as blocking access to the VPN companies’ websites (China). A VPN service solution is effective because of two reasons. First, a VPN provides access to the online content of countries you otherwise cannot view. By temporarily changing the IP address of your device, you can make it think as if it was located in the USA, the UK or whichever state a given company supports. Second, this connection is protected by encryptions. The most often used types of it are OpenVPN and L2TP, which do a great job securing your data while keeping your connection up to speed.

To list you some companies worthy of attention for use with Facebook, we recommend giving a look to HideMyAss (lot of locations), ExpressVPN (the fastest), ibVPN (great variety of plans) and VyprVPN (probably the safest with extras).

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